How to avoid my cat from catching colds in the winter?

With the approaching winter season, the chances of catching colds for people and animals also increase.

Dr. Samar Abdel-Rahman, a veterinarian, provided, through "Echo of the Country," a set of tips for preventing cats from catching colds in winter.

1- Ultimately not allowing cats to sleep on uncovered floors, because this behavior is one of the most common reasons that cause cats to catch colds.

2- Paying attention to combing cat's hair on a daily basis, because brushed, smooth hair helps cats a lot to feel warm.

3- Avoid going outside for cats in cold weather and rainy time.

4 - Not to bathe cats frequently in the winter, and the bathing is in the case of extreme damage, and all necessary precautions must be followed and the place should be well heated before starting the bathing process.

5- It is preferable to use other methods of cleaning cats instead of baths, especially in the winter season, such as dry shampoo to clean the cat instead of bathing.

6 - Pay attention to healthy nutrition to provide cats with vitamins and minerals needed to raise their natural immunity, which increases their ability to cope with the winter cold.

How to treat colds in cats

The common cold in cats is a minor respiratory infection, but it still needs treatment. This article will help you understand the symptoms and how to treat a sick cat with a common cold.

 1- Identify the symptoms. The common cold is caused by a bacterial infection. Look for symptoms that may include sniffing, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, pus around the eyes, difficulty breathing, and lethargy; All of these symptoms may indicate that your cat has a cold.

2- Keep your home hydrated. The increased humidity will help the cat breathe while he has a cold. Use an air humidifier if you have one, or put your cat on a sauna several times a day for 10 or 15 minutes at a time.

Some cats may hate blockade. Some cats will meow or scratch the door to exit. If the cat does this for a period of more than 3-5 minutes, do not force him, as this may cause tension that may worsen the disease and prolong the healing period.

3- Clean the cat's face. When a cat is sick, you may notice a discharge around the eyes, nose, and ears. Clean the face a few times a day by using a damp towel and gently wash the cat's face while soothing him with loving words. Cats react to their voice tone, and this may help them calm down.

Use warm water. Make sure the water you use is not too cold or too hot to cause shock to the cat.

4- Encourage the cat to eat. If your cat is sick, he may not want to eat, however it is important to get the food needed to stay strong during the illness. Cats often lose their appetite when sick and walk away from the food they like. If the cat is not interested in eating, try heating him for several minutes in the microwave, as this may spread the smell of food in the place and encourage the cat to eat. You can also try serving up delicious special food that the cat might like more.