the causes and symptoms of cat phobia

American psychologist Granville Stanley Hall published his synthetic genetic study of fear in the American Journal of Psychology in 1914 and identified no less than 136 different forms of phobia, all with their Greek or Latin names. There were many forms of fear, but some of them were justified. Such as fear of large or closed places or fear of heights, and there are unknown causes such as fear of wagons, fear of responsibility, and fear of cats.

And cat phobia is the process of phobia of cats or thinking about them, and it occurs if a person has been bitten or scratched by a cat, and it goes beyond fear of cats only. If you suffer from cat phobia, you may spend a lot of time worrying about confronting cats and thinking about ways to avoid them, and this can have a huge impact on your daily life, especially given the popularity of cats as pets and their ubiquity, according to The Conversation.

The study proved that the most important symptoms of cat phobia are intense fear when seeing or hearing it, and looking at drawings or pictures of cats may lead to symptoms, and cat phobia causes physical and psychological symptoms, including physical pain or tightness in the chest, increased sweating, increased strokes. Heart attack, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea, tremors, and stomach upset.

As for the psychological symptoms, they are a feeling of panic and fear when thinking about cats, feeling intense fear of new areas where there may be cats, reducing or no visits to cat owners, spending a lot of time thinking about the possible ways in which you may encounter cats and how you can avoid them, and you may experience extreme anxiety and fear when you hear hissing or cat-like sounds, these symptoms can negatively affect your routine behaviors.

Cats are one of the most popular pets for humans, and humans domesticated them nearly 9,500 years ago.

 Cats are predators, so they have teeth and a digestive system specialized in digesting meat, as well as have two strong sense of smell and hearing, and they are able to see in the dark.

 Cats are known to sleep 13-14 hours a day, and some cats may sleep up to 20 hours; This is to preserve her energy, and she prefers to sleep in sunny areas during the day because she enjoys heat and exposure to the sun, and unlike humans, she is not bothered by high temperatures until her body temperature reaches approximately 52 degrees Celsius. [1] Volume 0% Cats are known for their love. 

To play, especially the small ones, and she loves to climb and sit in high places, and even when she falls from a height she is able to adjust her position so that she touches the ground with her four limbs, and most cats hate to be submerged in water except for the Turkish Van breed, which is characterized by her intense love for water.

 That is why it is called a swimming cat. Females give birth to 3-5 kittens in one abdomen, and when they are born, cats are small and blind.